Are you a VINCI Group employee?

VINCI Immobilier gives you access to discounts on the purchase of a new-build residential property and its national property development expertise – an opportunity not to be overlooked!


Find out more about the offers available to you


on the purchase of a new-build residential property, whether it is intended to be a primary residence or a rental property(1)


on the buy-to-let purchase of a new-build unit in a managed residence
under the OVELIA or STUDENT FACTORY brands)(1)

VINCI Immobilier

VINCI Immobilier named France’s favourite brand for the sixth year in a row(2)

Interested in earning yourself until €20,000 through our referral scheme?

Anybody employed by the VINCI Group (3) can now refer a friend (who is not a Group employee) as part of their property buying journey (3).
Wheter you are VINCI Immobilier customer or not (3), through our referral scheme, receive up to €2,000 per friend referred (3) in a Mastercard gift card (3)

VINCI Immobilier, your project partner

At VINCI Immobilier, we are committed to helping you make the right choice and supporting you at every stage of your property buying journey.

From planning through to handover, VINCI Immobilier is here to guide and support you, whether you are looking to buy a primary residence or a rental property.

New builds, where quality meets comfort

Whether you are interested in buying a place to live in or rent out, new builds are high quality, energy efficient, ready to move into without any additional work…and so much more !

Watch this video on the benefits of buying a new-build property.

Your property-related questions answered


What closing costs can new-build buyers expect?

Closing costs apply to all property purchases. However, they are lower for new builds than for older properties.

Closing costs for buyers typically amount to around 7-8% of the price indicated in the bill of sale for an older property and 2-3% for a new build.

What financial assistance is available to buyers?

Buyers may be eligible for some of the following assistance schemes :

• Prêt à taux zéro or prêt à taux zéro plus (an interest-free loan)
• Prêt épargne logement (a loan available to regular savers)
• Prêt conventionné (a loan regulated by the State)
• Prêt d’accession sociale (a loan available to low-income households)
• Prêt Action Logement (an employer-assisted loan)
• Various help-to-buy initiatives led by regional authorities, private pension fund administrators, civil servant-specific health insurance companies, businesses, banks, etc.

What incentives are offered for new-build rental property investments?

Under France’s Pinel Law, which aims to support the purchase and construction of new-build residential properties fulfilling certain criteria, owners are given an income tax break if they commit to renting out their property for at least six years.

The longer they rent out their property, the greater the tax break they receive. As of 2023, owners can benefit from tax reductions equal to :

• 10.5% of the property’s purchase price for a six-year commitment ;
• 15% for a nine-year commitment ;
• 17.5% for a 12-year commitment.

What does the LMNP scheme involve?

It is a tax status for non-professional lessors of furnished accommodation. The accommodation in question :

• must include bedding, an oven, crockery, a table, chairs, lights, shelves, etc.; and
• can be located in a managed residence, e.g. for students or elderly people.
